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Pinnacles Edge Consulting
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Project Management, Business and IT Solutions, Training and Support

Project Managment

Helping your business prioritize and rapidly deploy business and IT solutions.

Business and IT Solutions

Work with the Business to identify the best IT solutions and adapt business processes to use them the most efficently.

Training and Support

Be your one stop solution provider helping with Training, Support and Administration.


Experience available to your business

  • 1998 - 2004

    Murphy Project Coordination

    A 20 year history started with a web site when Hewlett Packard took a quarterly newsletter and moved it to the Internet. Starting with one employee, Murphy Project Coordination grew to a confederation of fourteen contractors connecting business needs with the programming vendors that moved Channel Operations from a newsletter to a Partner Web Portal.

  • 2004 - 2014

    Joining the Corporation

    Our single client, Hewlett Packard had a change of heart about small consulting firms. Most of the staff of Murphy Project Coordination became employees of Hewlett Packard.

  • August 2014

    Pinnacles Edge Consulting

    As business needs change and Hewlett Packard moved much of thier work out of Caliornia, Murphy Project Coordination is restarted with a better name, Pinnacles Edge Consulting. It creates an oppertunity to return to consulting and help businesses that wish to take advantage of the oppertunities to become more efficient with business and IT solutions.

  • January 2018

    Training, Support and Administration

    In order to become a more full service consulting firm, we have added the services that our clients need on a day to day basis. Such as Google Enterprise and Microsoft 365 Administration. In addition to design and business and IT solutions, we also provide Web site administration, Training and Support.

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Our Founding Team

A Team of One - the Resources of Many

Depending on your project needs, our firm can scale to the size need to meet your business needs with a network of skilled consultants.

Brian Murphy

Consultant - Founder

Contact Us

[email protected]

Copyright © PinnaclesEdge.com 2018
Photos from Pinnacles National Park